When people invest nowadays, especially 'financial advisors', they study numbers on a screen for a company they know nothing about. Sometimes, these advisors don't even know the CEO in charge of the company. I've also met tons of real estate advisors who scoffed at me when I told them interest rates would keep going up last year. I've even met advisors who don't form their own opinions; their opinions trickle down to them from the CEO of the banks they work at.
Every "advisor" I have met so far during my life spends their time mostly playing golf or schmoozing clients to close them. They do not spend time on the internet researching for their clients. Their job is to lure them in to abysmal returns. Insurance brokers do the exact same shit. They are all scam artists and lie to themselves to sleep at night. If they check the returns they give their clients, they know what's up. The returns are horse shit; they should have left them at the barn.
So, is there a better way than giving your money blindly to these fools? Yes, yes, there is.
If you are reading this, you most likely reached an age where your #1 objective isn't to "make more money," and you view money as a tool. If you do not view money as a simple tool yet and still are a part of the hustle culture, just fuck off and unsubscribe from this blog. You don't deserve the advice.
Investing in culture is impossible in an immature hustle, culture-oriented mindset. To invest in culture, you need to understand how human behaviour works. To understand how human behaviour works, you need to research human behaviour and be fully in tune with your own behaviours. And you can't let money distort the views, or investing in culture doesn't work.
Once you can do this, you can spend 24/7 on the internet waiting for something to make you "feel." That’s it. Just wait to feel something you think others want to feel. For example, finding ticker $bitcoin for the first time made me laugh so hard I cried. I figured, "Okay, if I cried from laughing so hard, other people will find it funny, too." That's it. It is 100x funnier than any other shitcoin. And as the community grows exponentially, this is obvious. Who doesn’t want to laugh so hard they cry everyday while they work?
On Twitter, the Goblinarinos are not only the most based community I have ever met, but everyone motivates me to be a better person because they are all jacked giga chads. I am motivated to improve, so I invest in the Goblinarinos community whenever possible. Not only this, but the profits are all donated to animal shelters. That makes me feel good. And guess what? Goblinarinos motivate many other people, and many others also feel great about helping helpless animals. But none of this has to do with money. I do not invest in ticker Bitcoin and Goblinarinos because of money. I invest because both these communities bring me happy tears every single day.
If I only cared about money I would focus on smaller time frames for profit. But culture investing over long periods of time is something I can actually feel being right, so it makes me more convicted. When investing based on numbers alone, I feel nothing, so it’s a more risky financial decision.
What is better than investing in something you think will yield financial returns anyway? Something that makes you happy. Because if it does, chances are it will make many others happy too. And the money will come without you needing to think about it (which no human naturally wants to do anyway).