There's a Charity Inside San Quentin?
There has been a 700% increase in the prison population since the 1970s in the USA, and $48 billion is spent per year on it. Over 40% of all inmates in America are re-incarcerated within one year of being released. Why? Because they aren't helped on how to reintegrate with society properly, their old habits are all they know.
My favourite charity takes this issue seriously and does a great job at implementing a solution. It's called The Last Mile, and it teaches inmates how to code.
It started in San Quentin but is now in other prisons across America. The Last Mile drafts people from inside San Quentin and other prisons into the program who meet specific requirements. Here's the flow:
Inmates apply for the program
If accepted, they learn to code and build websites & software apps
If they graduate, they receive a market wage at a top-tier tech company
This program has served 974 students; 379 graduated and got a market rate job at a top-tier tech company.
People who graduate from Last Mile have a 0% re-incarceration rate! Since The Last Mile provides graduates with a job and the tools necessary to keep the jobs, no one needs to resort to crime upon release. They have high incentives to be on their best behaviour while taking the program inside the prison and when they get out. The Last Mile incentivizes good behaviour and teaches everyone how to fish instead of giving them fish. And MC Hammer is an advisor! 😎